Half-up Half-down

Turn your hairstyle upside down!

Oh boy! This is the second biggest statement after “God is a woman” by Ariana grande. The Half-up Half-Down statement-hairstyle is officially the next thing and personas like Grande and Kardashian seem to be at the front of this much promising trend. Here are all your essentials about this look.

Half-up Half-down

Firstly, the look nails it, if you are the all-day all-night kind of person. It is for those who want a bold choice that can easily adapt to various parts of their daily outings. The #halfuphalfdown varies from casual everyday pieces of life to more grande events, like weddings. See what we did there? Ok… Sorry Ariana, we tried. The rise in searches has even reached an amazing 109% increase in social media. Something tells us your feed is already booming with half half inspirations.

One thing that we know for sure is that this look has dethroned the buns. So next time customers ask for buns, give them a half-up half-down bun and wait for their surprised reactions. Among the best ways to do the look so far have been the vintage half half, the French braid half and the much beloved Bridget Bardot half. Do you have what it takes to pull your very own “Woman God”? Of course, you can! GO!